Nächste Termine
Samstag 02.11.2024
Plauschturnier 2. November 2024 Mixed 8h-12h
08:00 - 12:30
Plauschturnier 2. November 2024
12:30 - 18:00
Freitag 15.11.2024
Grosser Spieleabend
Von 17:00
Aktuelles aus dem Verein
Tennisclub PSI gewinnt Plauschturnier gegen TC Horheim
, Richner Simon
Am Samstag 14.September fand das beliebte Plauschturnier zwischen dem Tennisclub PSI und dem TC Horheim statt.
Potokoll Sportclub PSI GV 2024
, Pfingsten Wilfried
Das Potokoll der Sportclub PSI GV 2024 steht nun zur Verfuegung
Winter-Atomiade 15-22 March 2025 Reit-im-Winkl
, Pfingsten Wilfried
A Winter-Atomiade will be organised from 15th to 22nd of March 2025 in the beautiful Reit-im-Wi...
Tennis Plauschturnier mit TC Horheim
, Richner Simon
Der Tennisclub PSI verliert das beliebte Freundschaftsturnier mit dem deutschen TC Horheim äusserst knapp.
New offering from the Endurance Sports Section
, Kirchgeorg Natalia
Endurance Section is pleased to annouce that the Club261 Running Meetups led by Romana Boiger will continue on every Monday at 11:30.
News from Sportclub PSI 62th General Assembly on 28 February 2024
About 70 members of Sportclub PSI joined the GA at OASE restaurant dealing with a lot of topics and elections. Some results and impression:
About 70 members of Sportclub PSI joined the GA at OASE restaurant dealing with a lot of topics and elections. Some results and impression:
- new section BBQ Art founded - section head Omar Al-Yahia
- new actuary: Katja Schibler succeeds Nicole Hiller
- new board member: Richard Kan
- new section heads:
Endurance sports: Natalia Kirchgeorg replaces Christian Bauer
Darts: Marcel Leupi replaces Volker Schlott
Music: Daniel Haynes replaces Ludmila Leroy
Tennis: Simon Richner replaces Wilfried Pfingsten
Table tennis: Zheqiao Geng takes over the vacant position
Volleyball: Naline Spuler & Michael Zorneth replace Ben Martin
- new event hall at WSAE for music section and others
(For details see updated webpages or wait for the protocoll, which will be available soon) - wp